Historically practiced in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, skin mapping relies on the theory that ailments expressed on the face reflect what is occurring within the body, specifically in major organs such as the liver and heart. Skin mapping also considers the influence of allergies, genetics, dietary factors, age, and body constitution on skin condition, and seeks to correct imbalances within the body to promote skin healing.
Osmosis skin mapping is an innovative skin care analysis tool used by Osmosis Beauty that took more than a decade to develop. Skin mapping by Osmosis Beauty involves assessing specifically identified areas on the face and upper body to gain valuable information on how to influence the body’s functioning to correct the skin and create lasting change by cleansing the body of harmful toxins and inflammation.
Find how Skin Mapping can help treat your skin condition by taking the exclusive Osmosis Beauty Skin Quiz here https://osmosisbeauty.com/pages/the-skin-quiz